Monday, November 10, 2008

What was that? A behm? Non, watch out for zee exploding couscous!

Originally uploaded by el frijole
As if we didn't have enough to worry about, what with global recessions and environmental disasters afoot, the French consumers are being forced to dodge a series of risks to their health in suspect products - the latest of which is..............exploding couscous.

The Garbit company from Northern France have recalled 80,000 packets of 'Couscous Royal', which contain a cocktail of chemicals that could give a few pounds of Semtex a run for its money. So unless you're planning to bump off your neighbours, best check the kitchen cupboards asap.

The unlucky punter who got more than he bargained for thought that he was the victim of North African anti-French sentiment - the slogan of this product being 'it's good like it is over there'('C'est bon comme là bas') . Luckily, he escaped unscathed and reported the incident to the manufacturer.

This incident comes only a matter of weeks after Comforama recalled sofas and armchairs which had made several hundred more Frenchmen than usual scratch their arses - the cause? An allergic reaction to chemicals in the cushions.

To soothe worried expats, check out the web link below which lists all the products currently being recalled - courtesy of the excellent Or just click on the headline.