Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sarko distances himself from Anglo-Saxon troublemakers

So, Sarko's big night on national television, explaining France's way out of its woes, seems to have gone down like the old lead balloon as seething discontent stirs around a country fed up with the empty promises of politicians. Apart from mentioning removing a tax for companies in a couple of years time and meeting with the 'social partners' in mid-February, whoever they might be, Mr Sarkozy's talk- confidently, pop-up every now and then in troublespots, and do next to nothing strategy appears to be exasperating those who had hoped for more.

The trouble with talking too much is journalists have that annoying tendency to listen and record your every word - so red-faces all round if his cronies were watching the lunchtime news today - showing a recent clip of Mr Sarkozy (pre-crisis) saying how he aimed to follow the excellent Anglo-Saxon economic model, followed by a more up to date exert with him saying something along the lines of 'God forbid we ever end up like that lot.'

The Swiss I teach have one word for their French cousins 'Eh, ben, they are, how you say, ungouvernable.'