Monday, November 17, 2008

Snowstorm heads for the alps

Anyone involved with the Ski Industry or those planning an early ski holiday will rejoice in the news that a serious storm is due to hit the Alps this coming Friday, with temperatures plunging and gale-force northerly winds set to whirl the white stuff around and dump it in uneven lumps onto the pistes.

A decent start to the season will certainly offer some comfort to those who fear the weak pound and recession could mean significant holiday cutbacks for those precious British holidaymakers. But others are reassured that most skiers would rather poke sharp objects into painful areas of their anatomy than miss out on their 'ski fix' - so they'll be here, credit crunch or no credit crunch.

And there's no need to watch the forecast on TV round here if you want to know what's round the corner - the Mont Blanc tells you all you need to know - courtesy of the X-files-esque cloud that forms on its peak. The locals say 'Quand le Mont-Blanc à son chapeau, c'est signe de mauvais temps' - for the not-so-cunning linguists, when the MB's got it's hat on, bad weather is on the way.

Well, that's the John Kettley routine out of the way - who? I hear you cry. John Kettley was the world's finest weatherman, and so was Michael'll see what I'm barking on about courtesy of You Tube.......