Sunday, November 30, 2008

They've never had it so good...well, not for a while anyway

This was the heart-warming scene this very morning at nearby Combloux, where a smattering of affluent locals mixed with, well, us. The deserted pistes and empty hotel terraces were the only significant reminder that we are still in November and the ski-season is not even out of the starting blocks. Oh, and the stationary ski lifts - although there are resorts opening up this weekend in the vicinity.

A week has passed since the dump of last weekend, and the snow has even stuck to the valley floor, which hasn't happened since I first set foot in this area back in 2003. Cynics would say that there's still enough time for the green field and cows to make one last appearance, but from today's evidence and the wintry forecast, I would say that booking an early ski holiday would beat the recession and the crowds.

Long live the early snow!